The City of Roswell is in the public input stage of its 2040 Comprehensive Plan and wants to hear from Roswell businesses and residents about their vision for the city’s future.

As a local business, we invite you to share your input to help shape this plan. We also encourage you to share this information with other business owners and residents of Roswell.

The more community input we can gather during this public engagement process, the better.

What is a comprehensive plan?
The comprehensive plan is a high-level planning document that seeks to unify the direction and policy of economic development, housing, transportation, natural resources, land use, green space, and more. The plan will also create visions for some locations throughout the city so they better fit market conditions.
All local governments in the State of Georgia are required to adopt a Comprehensive Plan for their locality. The plan becomes the basis for future land use and planning within the city.

How does the public input process work?
Through a series of online meetings and an online portal, the City will collect input on what needs to change and what should stay the same. The online portal allows residents to place pins on a map of the City and give their opinions of what is good, bad, and how it should change.

The City’s consultant, Pond and Company, will collect this input and formulate a plan for the future with City of Roswell staff.

How do I get involved and share my input?
2040 Comp Plan Overview Page (video about comp plan process, public documents)
2040 Comp Plan Public Input Page (link to surveys, activities, and opportunities to share)